Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More pics

Here are some more pics I thought I would share.

Here are the kiddos with dad outside on the swing on a gorgeous fall day.

I was finally able to get what little hair Gwen has in a little ponytail. She looked sooo cute, of course it lasted only a couple of hours, but it's the first time she has ever left anything in her hair.

This is how Gwen wakes up every morning, in a chair with her cup, doll and her blankey.

After I took this picture of Gabe I realized how fitting it really was. He can be a sweet, loving, stick up for his sisters great boy. And then can be as ornery as a snake the next minute, punching his sisters in the back. I guess that is the typical struggle of good vs. evil that we all face. As a Christian the Holy Spirit is prompting us to do what is right and what God wants us to do and our flesh is pulling us in the other direction. Sometimes the Spirit gets the victory and sometimes our flesh does. Luckily we don't wear our colors on the outside to show which one is winning from day to day! And boy am I thankful for that, lol!


Gwendolyn said...

I love the picture of Gwen on the couch because that's how my toddlers always were in the mornings...they had to have their blanket, cup, and stuffed animal. Owen still does it.

Jen said...

Aww - cute!! I'm lovin her piggie!