Monday, September 22, 2008

It Should Be A Law That Moms Can't Get Sick

I feel pretty lousy today, it's sinus stuff. Let me first say that before I had kids it was a rare occasion for me to even have a cold. So not only have my lovely children wrecked my looks, they have wrecked my health as well, lol! Every single time the stomach flu or regular flu bug enters my house I get it. Last winter alone I had the stomach flu, regular flu and strep throat, ugh. I am already dreading this winter and all the germy's it brings with it. I need to get on some really potent vitamins. I also used to never, ever have allergy/sinus problems, now every spring and fall I battle it. Oh, I guess it is worth it to look at three beautiful, mostly smiling, faces everyday, and to get the hugs and kisses from said children. Some day, preferably soon, I will have my pre baby body back, and maybe someday I will have my pre baby health back too? Eh, here's to hoping!


Sara@iSass said...

If you find that fountain please let me know! It is the same for me. Heathly and hot before kids. Flabby,stuffy,sneezy and NOT hot after! I could very well be all seven drwafs!!! Cause I ain't know Snow White that's for sure! LOL

Sara@iSass said...

apparently I'm not much of a speller either.

Gwendolyn said...

I am SO right there with you. My nose has been stopped up for days. I think I got mine from the daycare kids, though. Sigh.

Shel said...

Oh I hear ya! I can't say I was any healthier before kids, but I was definitely more attractive!!

We haven't been hit with all the colds yet. Cait has had some snot but...well, she gets that alot. I'm sure it is headed our way though and I'm not looking forward to it! In our house it likes to come right about the time Shawn starts coaching basketball - leaving me with sick kids while he has games and with a pitiful sick husband who isn't much help when he is sick......oh the anticipation!!!