Monday, October 6, 2008


Someone I don't know, left me my first hateful comment today on here. I have already deleted it of course, but it was pretty bad. If the point of the comment is to make me angry, it didn't. It just seems odd to me. I mean, being hateful to someone who has no clue who you are, kind of loses it's punch doesn't it? I guess the point is to annoy and irritate people, but it wasn't even annoying. Maybe I should feel flattered that they stopped by to read my blog? I think someone has a little too much time on their hands. I have a few floors that need to be scrubbed..........anyone?


Sara@iSass said...

Wow. I'll be irrated for you Jennifer! That is awful! Give me a name I'll send Vinny after 'em.
I'm so glad you didn't let one bad egg stink up your day! Rock on Sister!

CrossView said...

Wow! I'm so sorry! =(

But I'm with the above commenter. And I'll add Guido to go with Vinny!

Gwendolyn said...

Oh no! You know, if I find a blog that I don't agree with, I just don't comment. It boggles my mind why people feel the need to spill their anger out on someone else's blog. Their Mama should have taught them better. :o)

Merissa said...

What on earth could you have said to make anyone write hateful comments? Good for you being the better person....want to come help clean my floors. lol

Jen said...

Man, I'm so sorry. I've had more than my share of these, and they can really suck.