Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another Random Post

I just can't think of anything very relevant to write about lately. I guess life is just like that though isn't it, kind of random? Never know what a day will bring.

I love the Duggars. For anyone who doesn't know who they are, they are the family in Arkansas who has 17 kids, with one on the way. I know there are people out there who don't like them, so if that is you, by all means you can disagree with me, but please don't post anything nasty about them, thank you. I think the thing I like the most about them, is that their children when old enough to make their own decisions, still rely on the wisdom of their parents to greatly influence their choices. That even though they could do what they wanted in the situation, they trust that their parents want only what is best for them, and follow their lead. That truly is the test of a good parent, isn't it. If my children have that attitude when they are adults I will feel like I did my job the way God intended. Trust me, I am a far cry from a Michelle Duggar, never have I seen a more patient woman, but it is inspiring to watch them parent and see the results of that parenting. Loving, compasionate, wise children.

Gabe likes to eat egg noodles raw and crunchy, I think that's gross.

Kayleigh has learned so much after just 3 piano lessons and I am so excited about that. I can barely play the piano. And if you would like to hear a song from me, give me the very easy music and about a month of practice for an hour a day, and then I will play for you! I want her to be able to play whatever her heart desires, cause I wish I could sooo badly.

I read an amazing story on this blog today, Sara at www.butterville.blogspot.com. I encourage anyone who wants to read an uplifting story to head over there.


Gwendolyn said...

I love the Duggars!!! Did you hear that their new baby is going to be another girl? And that their oldest just got married? Seriously, I want them to adopt me. LOL

Sara@iSass said...

You are gonna make me cry!
I think you have lots of things to say. I for one love to listen, even if you think you are rambling. I'd love to hear one of your stories...What was your favorite thing to play as a little girl? What were you like in high school, any funny stories there? How about how you met your man? Any good gore in your labors? Come on...I know you want to tell us.
Love you girl! Thanks for being my friend!

Hannah said...

I adore the Duggars too. I need to take lessons in patience from Michelle!

Yay for Kayleigh! Alexandra and I REALLY miss our piano. :*(

CrossView said...

I don't know much about the Duggars though I have heard of them. I do live on this planet, at least. =P

I like noodles raw, too. But only one or two.

I wish I could play piano, too! Kudos for her learning!

Wow! Sweet story! =D