Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Great Investment

In June I went to the Women of Faith conference in St. Louis, if you haven't heard of it before it is a huge conference with a great lineup of christian speakers, all women, and you get encouraged and uplifted to be a better christian, mom and woman! So anyway, they had the New Testament on dvd for sale, it was read by a bunch of famous people, like Kimberly Paisley, Luke Perry, Marissa Tomei, etc. That part really didn't matter to me, but I had been wanting to get the Bible on dvd for a long time just hadn't because it was expensive, it was on sale there for $40 so I bought it for Donny for our anniversary, although secretly it was for me mostly, does that make me a bad wife, lol?

Just the other day I got our portable dvd player, put it in the laundry room and broke out the dvd's. I thought that since I spend a good 15-20 minutes a pop in there sorting washing and folding the laundry, and generally the kids don't bother me while I am in there, it would be a great time to listen to them. And let me tell you it has been wonderful. I have read the New Testament several times, not that I am a super christian or anything, but going to church all my life and attending a christian school it was kind of required reading, but listening to it read puts such a unique spin on it. Honestly it really does feel as if you could be standing there actually listening to Jesus talk to the disciples, it is amazing and humbling! I have gotten through the first 6 chapters of Matthew in a couple of days and it feels like I have barely spent any time in there at all, it so captivating. I know this sounds weird but I honestly look forward to going down there to do the laundry, I almost (gasp) am excited about it! If you have ever thought about getting the Bible on dvd, or know anyone who would be interested in it I highly recommend it. The one I have is called the Word of Promise, and is called dramatic audio theatre, they are reading it word for word but there are sound effects and it is a dramatic reading and that makes it so interesting, and is the NKJV version, in case anyone was wondering.

I know I am just going on and on about this set, but I think it really can change the way I or anyone else, can understand and gain a new love and appreciation for God's word.

As a side note, my butt still hurts, but is slowly getting better! Hopefully some day I will be able to sit on it for more than 10 minutes without having to switch cheeks, lol!

1 comment:

Kara said...

We bought the Bible on CD red by max mclean in the ESV version. I love it too.. DH almost always has it though :) Its a great way to get in the word in the midst of Chaos!