Saturday, August 30, 2008

A great blog for busy moms!

I am now a contributor to a blog,, it's in my blog list. The blog is great, there are giveaways you can enter ALL the time. And then a few moms, like me, will review products, like books or perhaps baby products, etc., and also websites and other blogs, then rate them and talk about them on this blog. And maybe also give you some tips on ways to not be so "busy"! So pretty much the purpose of the blog is to make the lives of busy moms, as we all are, a little bit easier and a lot more fun! Check it out!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Surgery went well

Everything went well today. We had to wait almost an hour in pre op and that was a bummer cause Gwen was a little cranky from no food or liquids since the night before. The procedure only took about 5 minutes, and went well, the doctor told me that she had puss in her left ear and to expect some yucky drainage today. So poor Gwen was probably in some pain and I didn't even know it, so really glad we got the tubes done.

When she started waking up from the anesthesia she was really wild eyed and disoriented and that is always scary. She slugged back a cup of diluted juice really fast and that along with the anesthesia made her sick and she vomited, but after an hour and vomiting again she was back to normal. She ate a normal lunch and had a cup of milk with it and did just fine. She isn't acting like she is any pain at all, so all is well. Really glad it's over!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tubes Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning is tubes day for Gwen, woo hoo! Hope it goes smooth and quick, will post after it's done to update her progress. Appreciate any prayers to head our way.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Correction to last post

Ok, I will blame this on mom brain or lack of sleep, but I bought the New Testament on cd not dvd! Oye, I even proofread that post and didn't notice that I had written dvd like 10 times! So hopefully the post makes more sense now, lol!

A Great Investment

In June I went to the Women of Faith conference in St. Louis, if you haven't heard of it before it is a huge conference with a great lineup of christian speakers, all women, and you get encouraged and uplifted to be a better christian, mom and woman! So anyway, they had the New Testament on dvd for sale, it was read by a bunch of famous people, like Kimberly Paisley, Luke Perry, Marissa Tomei, etc. That part really didn't matter to me, but I had been wanting to get the Bible on dvd for a long time just hadn't because it was expensive, it was on sale there for $40 so I bought it for Donny for our anniversary, although secretly it was for me mostly, does that make me a bad wife, lol?

Just the other day I got our portable dvd player, put it in the laundry room and broke out the dvd's. I thought that since I spend a good 15-20 minutes a pop in there sorting washing and folding the laundry, and generally the kids don't bother me while I am in there, it would be a great time to listen to them. And let me tell you it has been wonderful. I have read the New Testament several times, not that I am a super christian or anything, but going to church all my life and attending a christian school it was kind of required reading, but listening to it read puts such a unique spin on it. Honestly it really does feel as if you could be standing there actually listening to Jesus talk to the disciples, it is amazing and humbling! I have gotten through the first 6 chapters of Matthew in a couple of days and it feels like I have barely spent any time in there at all, it so captivating. I know this sounds weird but I honestly look forward to going down there to do the laundry, I almost (gasp) am excited about it! If you have ever thought about getting the Bible on dvd, or know anyone who would be interested in it I highly recommend it. The one I have is called the Word of Promise, and is called dramatic audio theatre, they are reading it word for word but there are sound effects and it is a dramatic reading and that makes it so interesting, and is the NKJV version, in case anyone was wondering.

I know I am just going on and on about this set, but I think it really can change the way I or anyone else, can understand and gain a new love and appreciation for God's word.

As a side note, my butt still hurts, but is slowly getting better! Hopefully some day I will be able to sit on it for more than 10 minutes without having to switch cheeks, lol!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Update on my butt!

So my butt is still in a lot of pain, :( I am going to the doctor today to make sure there is nothing else wrong and to see if she can maybe give me some stronger pain killers for at night. Oh the joy!

I have been laying off the computer this week, I spend way too much time on it, and need to take a bit of a break so my family and house do not suffer. I will try to post once in a while though.

All is going well in general, life is settling down. I still need to do a thorough cleaning out of the garage and then we are having a big garage sale. School starts in a couple of weeks and then it is back to normal life for us, hopefully. Something it feels like we haven't had since December.

Gwen is getting her tubes put in on the 27th, man will that be a life saver this winter to not constantly have a kid at the doctors office. It seems like I have spent the last 4 winters at the doctors with both pregnancies and Gabes fight with ear infections, so I am believing this winter will be different.

We should be getting the rest of our furniture in the next 2-3 weeks, and then I will finally post some pics of the new place.

Oh, and tonight Donny and I, with a couple of friends, and no kiddos, are going to a seafood buffet, I can't wait. I LOVE seafood. Here's to a great start to the weekend!

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Butt hurts!

No this is not what one of my kids said today, that is what I am saying. I fell going down our family room steps early this morning, right on my butt, ouch! Gabe woke up and wanted a drink and as I headed down there somehow my feet just flew right out from underneath me, sigh! So now I feel like I did after I had babies, that soreness on your coccyx (sp?) or tailbone, whatever you want to call it, only multiplied by 100, it hurts!

The most painful part is sitting down and getting up, oh man those are killers. Actually it pretty much is excruciating pain most of the time, except when I am lying down, I'm by myself with three young kids today, yeah there will be a lot of opportunities to do that! Oh and I am waddling like a pregnant woman too cause that is the least painful way to walk. I thought I was done with all that stuff, darn the steps!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A bad start to the day.

Ok, so this isn't a super positive post, and for any one who might happen to read this blog you might remember that a while back I vowed only positive ones cause I was griping and complaining about house screw ups too much. All that is over, so I have lifted the bann, as long as I don't complain everyday!

First Gwen did NOT sleep well last night, she is getting a couple of molars, they are barely cut through, and OH MY GOSH, she is a terrible teether. Then when I get up Donny tells me there is garbage all over our patio. It was so late last night when I bagged up the garbage I didn't feel like taking all the way to the can so I sat it right outside our back door. We have a fence around our back yard, so no big critters can get in, but apparently a stray cat or two decided to have some old chinese food for a snack last night, argh!

Then when I woke up this morning both little ones had leaked and their clothes were wet and I absolutely HATE that! Then my nosy toddler won't stay out of anything and picked up her discarded pee soaked pj bottoms to play with them, yuk! Then she pulled my coffed cup off the table, thankfully it is a thermos cup with a lid, but it still splashed coffee all over the wall.

I am going to take a shower, get the kiddos ready and get out of this house for a little while and hope we all start having a better day!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My kids are home

Our kiddos got back from grandma and grandpas today and boy am I glad, I was starting to miss them really bad! Of course for a day or two after they get home they are pretty ornery and tired and we have to deal with that, but it was worth it for a few days of rest.

I am having some cell phone issues. My precious baby Gwen lost my brand new phone back in April. And before you think well she shouldn't have let her have the phone, please know it is not a habit to let one year olds play with expensive electronics in our house. I had been rocking Gwen to sleep and had put the phone on silent so as not to wake her up, well she didn't go to sleep so I put her down forgetting my phone was in the floor beside the rocking chair. Until I wanted to make a phone call and couldn't find it. Donny and I searched the house for 2 hours with no luck, and of course we couldn't call it to find it because it was on silent, argh! I took Donny's old phone to tide me over, hoping we would eventually find my nice new shiny purple phone that I loved. So now we have moved and guess what, never have found the darn phone! Donny's old phone loses charge after not even a whole day so I am trying to find a nice used one on ebay, cause I can't get a new one again until October of next year. Not having a lot of luck. I am sure this isn't going to be the last thing Gwen is going to do that will cost me some money, but I am hoping she won't do anything this big again for a long time.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What to write about?

My goal is to write often on this blog. Somedays there is nothing remotely exciting, or interesting, to write. Today was one of those days.

The kids are at Grandma and Grandpas, so I did a lot of errands. Went to the post office and did our change of address, got the oil changed in the van, bought a new pair of glasses cause I hadn't replaced mine since the fire, went to Aldi (a discount grocery store in our area) and last, but most fun, got a pedicure.

I LOVE pedicures! I don't get to do a lot of things just for me, but this is one thing I like to splurge on when I have the time to do it. They are so relaxing, I almost fall asleep while they are working on my feet! I would love to get one everyday.

Then a friend and I ordered our bedroom furniture tonight. So that was my day, even though it sounds boring to everyone else, for me, a mother of three young children, when I am able to do these mundane things by myself it is a great day!

Monday, August 4, 2008

This n That

Life has settled down alot! The last few months have been so full of chaos and drama that I almost feel like I will be bored, lol! Praise the Lord for bored! Here is a little bit about the kiddos, cause I don't seem to write much about them.

School starts for Kayleigh in a month, 2nd grade, wow! She is growing up so fast, it makes me sad.

I want to start Gabe in preschool sometime this school year, I guess I need to get on that, huh? It's a private preschool/daycare, so they are flexible, so I think they will be able to get him in. I mostly want him in for the social aspect and to give his momma a break :)

And baby Gwen, what a corker! She is a little drama queen. But she is soooo smart, she understands every single thing I say to her. I can tell her to take a cup to her bubby and off she goes, I am amazed everyday at her level of communicating.

So back to our normal life again. No more fires, insurance drama, a/c drama, moving drama or Jennifer drama, lol! At least not any that has to deal with our old house, our a/c, moving or insurance. Oh my, I hope not!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

We're IN!

Last night we spent our first night in our new house! And tonight I sit here with only 2 totes left to unpack! With lots of help every single thing is put away in the house. Can you say wow! To me that is quite an accomplisment. Of course I have been absolutely positively worn out last night and tonight, but it is worth it.

Now our garage is a different story. It is full of about 50 empty totes, alot of totes full of garage sale goodies for me to get rid of and some misc. things. This stuff will have to wait though, cause I am taking a day off tomorrow!

I will post pics soon, just want to get all of our furniture first. And we don't have that much more to get on that front either.

What a journey this past 7 months has been, and I am so glad to see it come to an end. What a blessing all my friends and family have been, and what a great God that I serve to have been so good to me. Words can never express my thankfulness for every thing I have, and most importantly my thankfulness to my Heavenly Father for guiding me through all this!