Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's with all Drama, Mama's?

I am in a women's church volleyball league. I LOVE it, because I love, love, love to play volleyball. I don't care who I have to play with, what time I have to be there or where it is, I just love to have the opportunity to play. The other women, not so much.

Some are griping because they have to drive 12 minutes instead of 5 minutes to get there this year, others are griping because we go by the more current rules of rally scoring, net serves count, etc., still others say that if we go back to the "old" rules, they don't want to play. Some are griping because the games go faster this year, because of the new rules, others griped last year because we couldn't start on time because the games took longer. One person gripes about people that aren't dependable in other things, yet herself is always late for lots of things and seems to think that doesn't matter. I am so TIRED of the stinkin' whining! Show up and shut up or go home, is what I want to tell them. Everyone thinks they can run it better!

What is it with women that makes us be so dramatic? We bicker, whine, complain, talk behind other's backs. I am not lumping all women into this category, but I know most of us have done this sometime in our lives. And I am not saying we are horrible people because of it either, we're only human. I am usually mostly drama free, but even I get sucked into it once in a while. I am by no means perfect! I am just tired of the constant murmur of discontent. The Bible says in Exodus ..."the people complained and the Lord was displeased..", I am paraphrasing here, so forgive me if that is not 100% correct. Whining is not lady like, nor is it Christ like.

So, I have resoluted (I really don't think that's a real word) to not be so dramatic. I need to cut the whining, the gossiping, the bickering, the listening to gossip, the griping, anything that can fuel drama, I need to STOP! I don't want to hear it anymore! And ladies, this is probably going to be the hardest resolution to keep that I have ever made. I am a talker, and you know that when women talk there is bound to be some drama happening in someone's life.

Along with that resolution is that when I am part of someting that I might think could be done differently, I need to show up and shut up and do my job!

So please pray for me, this human being that I am, will falter. But with God's help I can be a better reflection of his compassion and mercy, and discretion. Oh boy, do I have my work cut out for me!


Sara@iSass said...

Hey you! We ALL live in the flesh. Try chucking the vollyball at the next head that complains and then saying"Are we here to play or whine?"
Ok, NO I'm joking don't DO that.It would be fun to see though...oops that was bad too. Oh I can't win. You'd hear ME whining about how I can't serve because it hurts my hand. I know I'm a big baby. Good for you though, working out, setting goals for yourself. Just remember He meets us where we ARE not where He wants us to go. Draw Srength from Him.
PS Would you mind taking Butterville off your blog list or ones you follow? It no longer exists. You can find me at:
You can follow me there if you'd like. If you need the back story as to WHY I deleted and did a new one you can email me...but fair warning it IS a bit gossipy...just saying...

Shel said...

Isn't it strange how a little complaining and griping can take a fun thing and put an overcast on it....

Good for you for setting goals!! It is so hard when you are a social person not to get sucked in!! Stick with it no-drama mama!

CrossView said...

When the whining starts, it's so hard to get past it to see all the good. And honestly? I think women are "better" at it than men. Maybe it's because we can't punch things??!! But I don't do well around griping for extended periods of time. So YAY for you for focusing on the joy of the game! =D

Gwendolyn said...

Oh, I struggle with this! I've resolved recently to stop complaining all the time, and occasionally I actually remember to keep my mouth shut. LOL

Charisse said...

Hey There,
yes, I know what you mean. Bless ya for being so honest about it all! We all need to pray that we will stop these things :-)
Love Charisse