Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Can't really think of anything of much importance to post about. We have settled back into a semi normal routine now that Christmas is over. Once Kayleigh goes back to school, we will (hopefully) be completely back to normal. I really love normal. Last December 14 we had a house fire and lost everything, and our lives were chaotic for the first 6 months of this year, then all of July was CRAZY, and I have come to appreciate normal alot!

Here is a peak at what July looked like. We had closed on our new house, but were still living in the rent house because the air in our new house wasn't working. And we were fighting with our homeowners insurance about who should pay for it, and they were being really big pains. I think I wrote about all that in my posts back then. So we had bought one house, were living in another and still had a garage full of stuff at our house that burnt, because the garage was detached and at the back of the yard and everything in there was fine. We had people in the process of buying that lot, and it was moving ridiculously slow. It was 110 degrees in the shade and I had a ton of moving, painting and cleaning to do, and I was losing my mind! On top of that, our content portion of our settlement from insurance was in process, had been since March when we were told that would take about a month, mmm hmmm! So even if we wanted to move in to our house, we had no furniture, or the money to buy a whole house full! Finally at the very end of July, the air was fixed, the money came in and we were in moved in by August 1. So we were finally back to "normal". Have I mentioned how much I love normal, lol!

Any one have any big plans for tonight. Donny is working, so it's just me and the kiddos home alone. I foresee early bedtimes, for the kids, and me eating way too much junk and watching tv or movies early into the morning. Oh the exciting life of a mother and wife! But quite normal, hehe.

Any resolutions? It's the oldest one on record, but mine should be to lose weight. Right now though I feel no motivatin to lose anything. I really love me some chocolate and greasy foods. I'll jump on the weight loss wagon some time soon. The thing with me is, I'm all in or all out. Once I start excercising and losing weight I am very consistent and motivated and I lose a ton of weight. But until I am completely on board and ready to do it, I will fail if I try halfheartedly.

So there is my random post. Everyone have a wonderful New Years Eve!


Hannah said...

Happy new year! And may your new year be totally normal.:)

My resolution is to have a baby. I'm pretty sure I can actually accomplish that one!

Charisse said...

Happy New Year my love! Thank you for your sweet words on my blog!
I didn't know you back when you had your fire but it sounds terrible and traumatic. I am so glad nothing like that has happened this year :-) Normal is good! I pray that God blesses you and your family GREATLY this year!
Love Charisse

CrossView said...

Happy New Year! I'll be hoping for you to have lots of normal! =D