Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I need help

Ok, so I am very electronically challenged, but if you will notice I actually have my blog decorated for Christmas, no small feat let me tell ya. Of course I need my title juiced up too, but hey baby steps. Anyway, I have looked everywhere and I can't figure out how to get those dang screwdriver/wrench thingies from appearing at the bottom right of all my elements. It really didn't matter on my generic background, but now that I'm all fancy, I want them gone! Can anyone give a girl some info.


CrossView said...

Ooh! Nice! It looks so festive....

I believe the wrenchie thingies only show up for you when you're signed in. For editing purposes...

Hannah said...

I can't see them.

Your blog is nice and festive. I know mine is cheesy looking, but I just don't have the get up and go to get up and go do something about it.