Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Chaos

Even though I had pretty much gotten all my Christmas shopping done early this year, an earmark of a truly worry free Christmas, this Christmas is the busiest one I have ever had. I won't bore you with all the sordid details, I just have a butt load of things to do, and judging by the size of my butt, that's a lot!

We are having a family get together at our house at Christmas for the first time ever, that and a bunch of misc. odd things have come up and I am swamped, therefore the reason for not much posting going on. I like having plenty to do so I am not bored, I bore easily, but I hate being so busy I feel stressed, and I am annoyed that that is where I am right now and I can't enjoy the holiday season like I want to. So I thought I would post some pics, for no reason whatsoever.

Here is Kayleigh posing nicely.
And miraculously Gabe is posing nicely.

And our angelic children who took a great picture in one take!

And that was a big fat lie! Here is what the night looked like really.

And then we have Gwendolyn posing nicely. After I finally wiped the boogar hanging from her nose that daddy left there for all her close up shots, gotta love men.


Kristin said...

I have tons left to do also. The weeks are flying by.

CrossView said...

Your "butt" comment has me laughing. And might I add-
"Ooh! You said butt!" =P

I've got much shopping to do still. Not much time left. But it will get done... Or not??!!

Hannah said...

Kayleigh has gorgeous hair! Gabe is so handsome, and you gotta love that hat on Gwen!

Don't forget to breathe deeply and try to enjoy the season. :)

Charisse said...

Breathe deeply! I have to do that regularly Lol!!!
I know, men just don't seem to notice the details that we do...with the booger and all :-)
The kids look lovely by the Christmas tree. Lovely Christmas tree!
Love Charisse