Is a part of life, and I know it is good for children to have disappointments. I know if they are never disappointed growing up they won't be able to handle life as an adult, because I think we all know that life is FULL of disappointment. But it just hurts so bad to see your child's heart broken. Not life altering disappointment, just being sick and missing a much anticipated sleepover, but heart breaking disappointment just the same when you are a 10 year old girl! I cried, she cried, we cried some more. ~sigh~ The first of many heart aches, Lord help me through the next 8 years!
It's still hard for me to see my kids disappointed. I guess that's not something that ever goes away. And it doesn't help to know that "one day"... Because they are hurting now!
Hope her heart is healed soon! =(
No pressure but is everything ok? =/
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