Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's too early.

I am watching a little girl for a co worker of my husband's this morning. Her daycare providers had a funeral and were closed today. Her dad dropped her off at 5:55 this morning! I think I might have gotten up that early twice in the last year and one of those times was to go "Black Friday" shopping, I'll do anything for a bargain. Anyway, this sweet 2 year old girl had to get up before 5:30 this morning to get to my house, that's early! She took up with me right away, didn't cry or anything, and is sitting in the recliner watching Blue's Clue's.

The point to all of this is, I am so thankful to God and grateful to my husband that I and my children get to sleep in to the last possible minute! And during the summer we can sleep in til we're up! And I am here when the kids get home. There are so many wonderful sets of parents where both of them work and have to get themselves and their kids up at the crack of dawn every morning and God bless them! Those working mom's are nothing short of miraculous! And their children will learn a whole different set of life skills that mine have! We haven't had to do that, yet! I may some day and then I will learn what it is like. For now I am so blessed to be a stay at home mom and I don't take want to take that for granted.

Kuddos to all you working moms, and dads, out there, hang in there! Kuddos to all you stay at home moms, and dads, out there, it's not like we are eating bon bons and taking bubble baths, huh?! Neither job is easy, but both are rewarding!


CrossView said...


I used to HATE dragging my kids out of bed. Seemed so heartless. Yes, they were fine but there's nothing quite like mommy guilt. LOL!

I want my bon-bons!

CrossView said...

By the way, You actually won that fantabulous Redneck Romance drawing. LOL!

E-mail me at homeskooler at gmail . com