Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gotta love Easter

I hope everyone's Easter was amazing. Mine always is. Easter is my favorite "holiday". I hate calling it a holiday, I don't know why, it just sounds weird to me to call it that. But I guess it is a holiday, it's a day of celebration and remembrance, and that is after all what a holiday is. I am so unworthy and overwhelmed with what Jesus did for me on the cross, that I tear up on a normal day. Having a whole day set aside just to remember his death and his victorious resurrection makes me happy! Of course Christians should live everyday like it's Easter, but life sometimes gets in the way of that unfortunately. Thank you God....."in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us"....., He died for me, He loves me, a horrible, wretched unworthy sinner! But praise God, the blood of Jesus covers those sins! Gives me goose bumps thinking about it, phew!

My weight loss is ok this week. I was down to 162.6 yesterday, but I am up a pound or two from that today. I let myself have a "free" day on Easter, gotta let myself endulge sometime or I'll quit, and that caught up with me today. I got right back on track yesterday, so hopefully after a few days of eating right again, my weight will start falling again. I don't regret that free day though, totally worth it! Gotta love chocolate marshmallow bunnies! So my weight is somewhere around the 163-164 mark. Have a great Tuesday everyone!


CrossView said...

Easter is such an amazing Holy Day. That's how I think of it....

Congrats on the loss. And yes! You HAVE to have those free days. I think it's like a law or something... ;o)
Especially when it comes to Easter and chocolate!!!! =D

Charisse said...

I know what you mean. I tear up when I think of what Jesus has done for me too. I struggle to keep the tears at bay at Easter time. Especially on Good Friday as I feel so overwhelmed with what Jesus went through for me.

It is excellent to have free days. Well done with remaining so focused my love!
Love Charisse

Gwendolyn said...

We had a great Easter, and it was also my oldest daughter's seventeenth birthday, so it was even more chocolate filled...what with the cake and all. I probably gained five pounds. I don't even know, 'cause I'm scared of the scales. LOL

Marian said...

I loved your Easter pics from you earlier blog...love the meltdown moment~been there!! I too am overwhelmed with emotion when I think about the sacrifice my Father made for me. My husband said in his sermon Sunday, and this has stuck with me all week, "God the Father looks at me, a guilty man, and hits his gavel on the throne and declares me...INNOCENT!! All because of of His son's shed blood!" Amazing!